The Power of Setting Gentle Goals

The Power of Setting Gentle Goals

The Power of Setting Gentle Goals: A Compassionate Approach to Personal Growth In a world where success often seems tied to strict deadlines and big ambitions, setting goals can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming. Many of us find ourselves under a lot of pressure,...

Burnout in the Wake of Superwoman

Burnout in the Wake of Superwoman

I am a hypnotherapist and life coach, and I do practise what I preach; however I recently faced a bout of burnout – again. Even though I spend my days helping others navigate these very issues, I managed to let burnout creep up on me as I got caught up in...

Perimenopausal Symptoms

What has been the most surprising thing that you have either experienced, or found out, that is part of the wide range of perimenopausal symptoms? Have you ever wondered what bit is for? Do you even know what the menopause and perimenopause are? Get your Free PDF – 5...

Menopause in the Workplace

Menopause in the Workplace

I stumbled across some shocking statistics recently. Although nearly 8 out of 10 menopausal women are in work, 10% of them will leave their jobs due to the menopause. That’s a lot of women struggling so much, without the right support, who leave their jobs and careers...

Finishing Things

I've done a Thing. In fact, I have done two Things! I had a great session with my coach this morning; I have noticed that I have a real problem finishing things. I've really been beating myself up over it, seeing it as a character flaw, something that really holds me...



"Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony." - Thomas Merton. Have you ever felt like you just don't have enough time? Like there just aren't enough hours in the day? I used to feel that all the time. I ran around being...

Letting the Magic Flow

Letting the Magic Flow

My Sorceress has been hard at play this week. You know how sometimes things just seem to flow easily; you notice little coincidences, little bits of good fortune, things seem to happen at just the right time. That’s when your Sorceress energy is flowing…. “that part...

Menopause Symptoms

Menopause Symptoms

Did you know that there are also many others? These include: Loss of libido Anxiety & panic attacks Depression Irritability Itching Fatigue Joint pain Digestive problems Dizziness Bloating Body odour changes Increased sensitivity to smell Brittle nails Itchiness...

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