Letting the Magic Flow

by | Jan 15, 2025 | Uncategorized

My Sorceress has been hard at play this week. You know how sometimes things just seem to flow easily; you notice little coincidences, little bits of good fortune, things seem to happen at just the right time.

That’s when your Sorceress energy is flowing…. “that part of you that trusts, that dreams, and that brings a little bit of fairy dust and mystery to life”.

In all honesty, life has been tough for the past few months. We’ve been through bereavements and illness within the wider family, some real life-changing stuff; as well as some emotional and mental health issues for other family members. At times it has been hard to remember to look after myself properly though that has been my main focus – if I am okay, then I am better able to look after my loved ones.

Life has felt a little bit hard, and like my resilience is being tested. I’m more used to life being good, thankfully! Still, at times it has felt like I have been wading through treacle. At times like these it can seem impossible for life to ever feel like it will be flowing with ease and grace again.

This week has seen a real shift. I have started to notice a few little coincidences, synchronicities that remind me of the good stuff in life. Things happening with a certain ease and flow again as if magic is happening within my life.

Last week I finally decided on my word of the year.


I don’t do New Year’s resolutions; I prefer to work with 3 month blocks for goal setting and planning. It helps to keep things realistic and achievable! I do like to have a word of the year though, something to focus on and come back to again and again.

Now it has come to me, and that is exactly what is starting to happen. After a great session with my coach – yes, all the best coaches have their own coach. We know how valuable it is – I started to appreciate how my life is truly starting to flow with ease and grace again.

I noticed the little coincidences – a beautiful piece of music I had never heard before really resonated with me yesterday morning. Yesterday afternoon it popped up again in an entirely different place! I found out more about it, and the words really spoke to where I am right now.

I was chatting with my husband and friends about a wonderful weekend we spent away many years ago now which had great significance. Pictures of that weekend popped up today in the ‘Memories’ that appear in my phone’s photos and brought a huge smile to my face.

Someone I really needed to talk to suddenly popped up in my life unexpectedly.

Little signs that everything has been good before, and will be again. Little signs that everything will be okay. It is okay for me to trust in that process.

I used to struggle with the idea of magic and flow in my younger days. Goodness, how I worked so hard for all my achievements! It seemed that things weren’t worth anything unless I had struggled to get them. Now, I still enjoy working hard but how beautiful it is to do so with grace and ease.

Let the magic flow.

First published 20th Jan 2022


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